Fee & Plans

Our Fee & Plans


3 Days Per Week
$ 20 Monthly
  • 30 Minutes Class
  • Interactive Class


4 Days Per Week
$ 30 Monthly
  • 30 Minutes Class
  • Interactive Class


5 Days Per Week
$ 40 Monthly
  • 30 Minutes Class
  • Interactive Class

Why You Take Online Classes?

Studying the Quran online at E Quran Teachers has many benefits for you. You do not need to change your daily routine or change your lifestyle. Instead, you should find a time of the day when you can spend some time studying – without having to go anywhere or disrupt your life. Start taking online Quran lessons at our online Quran academy.

You can choose the instructor you want to study with, women and young girls often prefer female instructors. That is why we have many teachers at our disposal. Register, choose the perfect time and start learning the Quran immediately.

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said that teaching and learning the Qur’an is important. So this is one of the best ways to get rewards. Studying and understanding the Quran will also give you a new perspective on life. So don’t miss this opportunity to learn Quran and start a new journey.

Can't Drive Your Kids To The Mosque?

Learn Quran Online On Skype, Zoom, Meet
3 Days Free Trial Classes.
Lady And Male Tutors.
Private One-On-One Classes.

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